What About Me? - Left Out Of A Trust
Twins say that their father was unaware of their existence and therefore they should get a share of the trust that was dividied among eight other people.
The deceased left his assets to three neices and newphews and four friends. He specifically disinherited his own son and descendants.
This was in a revocable trust, which became irrevocable when he died. Trustee received a letter from attorney stating that twins were daughters based on alleged sexual encounter that was not consentual. She was family friend. Didnt tell him of daughters.
Trustee sent them letter to make a claim or lose the right in 120 days along with copy of trust.
A dispute between trustee/beneficiary and beneficiary/friend on sale of a home resolved in court through mediation.
she said she was raped and her sister was married to his brother. Didn't want to say anything.